This comfort classic is traditionally made with Reblochon from the Haute-Savoie region in France, but I like using a melty British cheese such as Ogleshield from the Montgomery family in Somerset or Helford White from Treveador Dairy in Cornwall.
Serve with a green salad tossed in a sharp dressing, charcuterie, and a handful of gherkins and pickled onions.
Makes one large dish, serves 4-6
250g smoked cured pork belly or bacon, chopped into small pieces
Charcuterie, to serve, I recommend The Real Cure, Cobble Lane Cured and Trealy Farm
1kg waxy potatoes, peeled and sliced to the thickness of just over a pound coin
1 large white onion, diced
300ml double cream
2 garlic cloves, crushed
200ml white wine
300g Ogleshield or Helford White cheese, chopped into rough chunks
Sea salt and black pepper
Preheat your oven to 180°C
Bring a pan of generously salted water to the boil, add your potato slices and cook for 5 minutes. Drain and plunge into cold water
Fry the cured meat until crispy, then remove with a slotted spoon and set to one side
Using the fat remaining in the pan, gently fry your onion until soft, and then add your garlic, cooking for a further minute. Season generously with pepper and remove from the heat
Take a large ovenproof dish and fill it with layers of the potato slices, alternating with your crispy meat, onion and chunks of cheese. Finish the top layer with just cheese
Season the cream with salt and pepper, and mix into with the wine. Pour this over the potatoes and cheese
Bake uncovered for 40 minutes until the top is golden but the potatoes are cooked through. A sharp knife inserted into the potatoes should slide out easily