In the last episode of Series 1 we speak to goat farmer James Whetlor, I give you a recipe for courgette fritters and forager Imogen discusses mugwort.
In this this episode we cover:
Interview with James Whetlor - 0.49
James is a former chef and the owner of Cabrito. His goal is to put all billy goats born into the dairy industry into the meat industry. We learn why we should be eating goat and why we don't currently eat it in the UK, plus James gives us some great recipe ideas which can also be found in his award-winning book GOAT.
Courgette Fritters - 31.07
It’s the end of July and the courgette glut is well underway. I give you a recipe for courgette fritters, which make for such a tasty light lunch.
Foraging with Imogen - 32.19
Imogen ends the series by teaching us about the plant mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris.
Mugwort leaves are aromatic and slightly bitter, and can be eaten raw or cooked. Imogen likens them to sage. The leaves and flowers and be infused it hot water and drunk as a tea. Mugwort was commonly used as a flavouring in beer until hops became popular.
Want to learn more about the issues surrounding goat?